Revision enhancements
Improved documentation control.
Navigation during redraw
Pan, zoom, and orbit more quickly.
Automatically linked views in PDF exports
Navigate PDFs with linked views and sheets.
Reveal Constraints mode
See dimension and alignment constraints in a view.
Dynamo graphical programming interface
Work in a visual programming environment.
Work in perspective views
Adjust views with edit, target, and toggle tools.
Improved IFC file usability
Open standards further integrated into Revit.
Parametric components
Graphical system for design and form-making.
Bidirectional associativity
Changes made anywhere update everywhere in the model.
Multiple contributors use a model and save work centrally.
Revit Server
Collaborate on shared models across a WAN.
Revit interoperability
Work with data in multiple formats, including IFC.
Interface to external databases
Output data to any ODBC-compliant database.
Interference check
Scan Revit model for collisions between elements.
Integration with Vault project collaboration software
Streamline data management.
Autodesk Exchange add-in applications
Extend Revit functionality.
Create a tabular display of model information.
Conceptual design tools
Sketch and create free-form models.
3D Design visualization
Explore, validate, and communicate designs.
Seek BIM content catalog
Find, preview, and download high-quality design content.